Top Five Fandom Fashion Flops

There aren't many things we love more than a well-executed alliteration...but one of them is the top notch costumery (did we make up that word? Don't look it up, nerd.) in our favorite fandoms. However, there's been a time or two (or five) where the costume designers must have had to come in early on a Monday and decided to take it out on the rest of us.

Here are the five that hurt the worst:

5. Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor

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He looks fine if you're into the whole creepy-uncle-going-through-his-third-divorce look... but in a universe full of high-waisty plaid plants and floor-length rainbow scarves, we couldn't help but be disappointed by the oversized leather jacket & purple baby V tee. The only thing missing from his I'm-a-cool-dad aesthetic is a hoop earring and a case of Natty Light. 


4. Hunger Games: Peeta

We're just going to say this... if you're going to take less concern in touching up the "natural blonde character"'s roots than we do with getting to work on time, then just make the character a brunette. 




3. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Xander


Ohhhh Xander. We could get behind the eye patch. We could (sort of) get behind the oversized Tommy Bahama shirts that were always unbuttoned >1 too many. What we just can't let go of (Jack) is his collection of necklaces. Yes, plural. The chains, the charms, the puka-shells, it's too much! And they're almost all chokers...Jordan Catalano you are not, Sir.  




2. The X-Files (photo shoot): Fox Mulder

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Let us be clear....the show never missed the mark. The suits, the other suits, the bloody suits, the torn suits, the lab coats (doctor suits), the pajama suits: The X-Files was always on point. They might not have made everyone believe in aliens, but they didn't have a hard time making everyone believe in Fashion with a capital F. Now, let's talk about the David LaChapelle photos... The entire shoot features David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson, and Pleather. How much pleather? All of the pleather. The worst, though? The pink and red ensemble with the black gonna-tickle-you gloves. They're like if Ross's pants had a baby with a body bag. 


1. Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire: Just everyone.

We're pretty certain that the main thing everyone remembers about GoF is the shag. No one was exempt from it, not even Mad-Eye Moody or Cedric Diggory (though his was more of a shag shrug). BEFORE YOU SAY that it's "a result of the times", let us remind you that Prisoner of Azkaban came out only one year prior and everyone looked perfectly respectable. Was there a British Barber strike during filming? Or was the hair-and-makeup team really feeling those derelict-Ashton-Kutcher vibes?

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Top Five On-Screen Daddies

Let's be clear that we are not talking about "daddy" in the traditional sense of the term. These contenders are not your father and are not (necessarily) your sugar daddies. When we're talking "Daddy", we mean... someone that's sure of themselves. Someone that is the authority on all things "daddy". Protectors. Rebels. Stoics. Tall, dark, and daddy. Now mind you, not all Daddies are male. We're daddy. You may be daddy, too. But for this list, we compiled our current top five favorite on-screen male daddies. 

These are in NO particular order.  However, we are going to label them like they are members of a boyband supergroup... Spice Daddies, if you will.

5. Scary Daddy: Walter White (Bryan Cranston) from Breaking Bad

Though Walter White may be a father, that's not what makes him daddy. Only a true daddy could be as cocky as Walter White is in a pair of tighty whities.  And. We. Are. In. To. It. He uses science to get daddy shit done, like a meth-cooking, straight-up-murdering, "I am the danger" Bill Nye.  (And don't even pretend like you didn't spend your adolescent years fantasizing about what's under the Science Guy's lab coat.) He may have been a great Chemistry teacher, but we wish he could teach us a course in Daddy.

4. Grungy Daddy: Fred Andrews (Luke Perry) from Riverdale

Let's face it: Luke Perry's been Daddy since 90210. One of us may or may not have had a giant puzzle of a Teen Beat-esque headshot of Luke in the 90s. The CW's definitely upped their game with the addition of Riverdale, a somewhat-based-on-the-Archie-Comics show that mixes the vibe of Twin Peaks with Gossip Girl and is CHOCK-FULL of Daddy (Skeet Ulrich is another father Daddy on the show, sooooo.......). It's our current obsession and a large part of that is Fred Andrews, the trying-his-best daddy that just can't catch a break but still manages to hook up with your friend's mom. So. Much. Daddy.

3. Secret Guardian Daddy: Severus Snape (Alan Rickman) from the Harry Potter series

Alan Rickman was a daddy in his own right, but for the sake of this "on-screen" list, we will gladly use Severus. Professor Snape is sexy brooding wrapped in a cloak. Others may have questioned Snape's loyalty in the books/movies, but In Daddy We Trusted. There's nothing more Daddy than spending your life, and ultimately giving your life, protecting an innocent in the name of true love. We had total faith in Dumbledore (another one of our favorite Daddies) that he had not misplaced his trust. Snape is Sneaky Daddy, he's Selfless Daddy, he's Dark Arts Daddy, and he's Always Daddy. (BRB, crying break...) 

2. Library Daddy: Rupert Giles (Anthony Head) from Buffy the Vampire Slayer (the show)

There are not many things more attractive than a glasses-wearing, book-reading, has-all-the-answers-always Daddy. Oh wait, there is... A glasses-wearing, book-reading, has-all-the-answers-always Daddy with an accent. He has no qualms with ignoring his orders from the Council to do what he thinks is right, which is WAY Daddy. He has the patience to find the answers, but also has the strength to fight battles and kick ass by Buffy's side. He hangs out in cemeteries and sends vampires straight to hell, all while wearing a three-piece tweed suit. This Daddy be fashionable af.

1. Magic Daddy: Gandalf the Grey AND Gandalf the White (Ian McKellen) from the Lord of the Rings Trilogy

Gandalf is everything. Gandalf is Daddy. He died fighting a MF'in Balrog and came back! He's Resurrected Daddy. Not only did he come back, but he came back shinier and prettier than before. He's Diamond Daddy. He knew he couldn't resist the power of the ring, so he entrusted it to the only species he thought could. He's SELF-CONTROL-OFF-THE-CHARTS DADDY. He brought Bilbo home. He brought Frodo home. He's Journey Daddy. Gandalf is bearded and scowly and wise and blows smoke rings like a boss. Gandalf is everything. Gandalf is Daddy.